I am going on vacation next week and have a couple books I am thinking about, but wanted to see if anyone has read anything super great lately. You know, the kind of book you can't put down, you think about it all day, have everyone pictured in your head and when the book is over, you tell anyone who will listen about it?
Here is what I am bringing with me...I think...
Zorba the Greek - I never read it, and I am going to Greece, sooo...no time like the present.
The God of Small Things - bought it a while back and heard it is fabulous. Don't know if it will be too heavy for a vacation read though.
Here are my latest from Amazon...
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Miss Debbie told me about this one, it sounds right up my alley.
Mrs Mike - this book sounds so good, and I love a good series, there are a couple that follow.
I am open to suggestions if you have any - please send them my way!
The countdown begins now.
The Year of Living Biblically by AJ Jacobs.
It's about this guy who is "about as jewish as olive garden is italian" He decides to follow the rules of the old testament and chronicle his journey. He goes from thinking all religion is stupid and the people following any sort of higher purpose is just insecure, to finding a beauty in ritual, in self sacrifice, in realizing that there are things in life that are bigger than oneself. I loved this book.
have you read Eat, Pray, Love? Great easy read for the road.
What about anything by Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Isabel Allende? I find them to be great travel books. Love in the time of cholera, of love and shadows, ohhh, what about The Mambo Kings Play songs of Love? Now you've got me all excited. I could go on for days!
Andrea - I have that book! So funny, I am almost done with it. I got it while in Michigan. I love the stoning of the adulterer part and the beard documentation! Hilarious!
Robin - I read Eat, Pray, Love years ago and loved it. I have thought about reading it again actually. The others sound good - looks like I will be back on amazon tomorrow checking them out.
Thanks gals!
You're hilarious, when are you going to be reading? Good luck to you. Unless you leave us as soon as we hit the ground in Hellas, the Frankiestein will not let you read!
Are you leaving us as soon as we hit the ground?
Love you,
ohhh. vacation. books. two amazing things together :) i took the god of small things on my big international trip and i'll be honest - i read only the first two chapters because for me at least, terrible traumatic childhood intensity story and vacation/relaxation didn't mix. it was too 'heavy' reading for me. and to be honest, i haven't picked it up again - sold it during my big book purge before moving to nz...
i have a tendency to want to read complete fluff while traveling - and my favorite genre is youth fantasy stuff... while pregnant i read the entire twilight series by stephanie meyer (total fluff books) though they are kind of big and heavy and you can read them in like a day... i loved 'a field guide to getting lost' by rebecca solnit - kind of dreamy chapters reflecting on the idea of 'getting lost' and one great chapter on travel by train (what we see, how we 'lose' ourselves) - VB gave it to me for my birthday one year and it remains a favorite! and then there's always David Sedaris - for something totally funny and light - if you like his wicked sense of humor... my fav of his is 'me talk pretty one day' especially for his experience living overseas in france... don't know if you have read any of these, but just some things to perhaps add to your list someday :) have fun!!
I love Raymond Carver, what we talk about when we talk about love, or where I'm calling from, short stories that you can pick up and put down do it for me! The Revenge of the Lawn is another of my favourite books, i've read it too many times, and still smile!! Where abouts in Greece are you going? mainland or islands? Rhodes is one of my favourite places on earth.... ah dreams of summer x
Thanks so much for all of your comments! Sara, I am taking your advice and not taking The God of Small Things - too heavy, it sounds.
Angela - no I am not planning on leaving you guys! Maybe one day trip if I can swing it money wise. I am thinking of reading on the plane (if at all possible), on the beach and before bed. I imagine your sister has a large veranda with a chair for me to sun myself in - ha ha, just kidding! If I don't get a chance to read that is OK, as long as I get time to write in my journal I am good.
Ali - we will be in Patras, West Greece staying with my friend Angela's sister Christina. I am so looking forward to it!
I super love David Sedaris, he is half Greek and HILARIOUS so you are allowed to bring him! Yes, Christina has a veranda that you can sun yourself on and we will try to get you some reading time but I think we might on the go, go, go. Frankie's favorite saying.
Love you,
Hey lady! Hope you're ok, you're very quiet?! Have a wonderful holiday! Safe journies! Send us a post card!! X
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