Monday, December 31, 2007
New Years Eve
The weekend was pretty nice. Saturday we went and ran errands, went to the mall to get a belt for Tim and we also got our annual photo booth photos taken - so fun! Then we went to Target (I had to return something) and we went to Costco. For Christmas, my parents gave us a gift card for Costco and we purchased a Sirius satellite radio with it. When we got home we made some coffee and ate the cinnabon's we got at the mall, as I read the instructions for wiring the antenna to the radio in my car. It sounded more complicated that it really was.
Sunday, Tim went with me to the monthly membership meeting at the Maltese American Social Club. It was his first time there and the meeting was hilarious (as always). It was the current President's last meeting so he had to give his speech about his accomplishments, etc. We also had to vote on some new positions. The President has been a member of the club since 1947, which I think is incredible. He has basically done everything there and it was his time to retire. When the meeting was over we came home and wired the new radio into the car. I had to run some wires beneath the dash board which was actually kind of fun because it was a challenge. I only had time to run the antenna before Tim had to leave for a tennis match. When he got home, I finished in the dark of the driveway and activated the radio. Since that was done we decided we had to go for a drive to check it out. We went out for dinner and had a fun time playing with the radio. I think it will make my commute a little better, did you know there is 4 NPR stations on there? I don't have a long distance commute, just a lot of traffic and it seems to be getting worse over the years - that is what makes it long. So now, while I sit in traffic, I can be listening to a Grateful Dead concert on the Dead 24/7 channel or I can listen to a great interview on NPR talk. The options are endless. I love it and haven't really even explored all of the channels. There is even a Martha Stewart channel!
Anyway, I have to run out for a walk to the drug store soon - I need some black nylon stockings. Tim and I are going to the New Years Eve Dinner Dance at the Maltese Club tonight. We have never gone out on New Years Eve, all the years we have been together, this is the first time we have gone anywhere. It should be fun! I will report back tomorrow if I have the energy to blog.
Happy New Year! Be safe tonight whatever you do!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Highs and Lows of 2007

- Took Ballet 101 Class at San Francisco Ballet and got an in depth and behind the scenes look at the ballet.
- Recovered myself from identity theft - pain in the ass, but I recovered everything, so I count it as a high.
- My brother came to visit in February and in July!
- My sister came to visit in April (with my Mom) and in August!
- Finished ALL adoption paperwork (home study visits as well)
- Angela had baby Frankie!
- Katie (cousin of Tim) had baby Reece!
- Got a new fridge (after three weeks without one)
- Reorganized my craft space
- Missed the Yoga Journal Conference due to illness
- Had to cancel India trip last minute because someone stole my identity (didn't get as far as they could have, but it was bad enough, believe me).
- Got serious Spring/Travel Fever and still have not gotten over it
- Sneezed my back out of whack on my 33rd Birthday
- Apache, need I say more? (see Sept. 5 post for more info.)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Almost 2008

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Back to the Grind

Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas to All

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Holiday Sweets & Treats

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Recent Crafts

The City in Lights

Christmas at Home

Friday, December 21, 2007
Follow the Yellow Brick Road...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Mail from Malta!

Monday, December 17, 2007
The Ladies of the Maltese Club
Monday, December 10, 2007
These are a few of my favorite things....
Here goes...these are a few of my favorite things right at this moment.

Falling asleep while watching "It's a Wonderful Life" on my little DVD player next to my bed.

Hammonds Christmas Ribbon and Snowflake Candy
Christmas Get to Know Me

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Cassette recorder - it was red and I was in love with recording myself
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, I have three. One was Grandma Nettie's when she was in the Arnold Home, I love it. One of them is tiny and inside a gourd, Wendy gave it to me this year, it is in my office.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Emily, always.
10. Mail or E-Mail Christmas Cards? Mail, the post people are heroes this time of year
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Lets not go there, everything was given to me with good intentions and love and that is really all the matters.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Christmas in Connecticut
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Didn't shop this year, but did plan on what to make people back in July.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes, to the Salvation Army, but not re-gifted - I think that is bad juju
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Any cookie made by my Mom - favorite are her springerle cookies
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? White, clear, anything but colored.
17. Favorite Christmas song? anything off the Johnny Mathis Christmas Album in my parents basement or Barbara Streisand's crazy version of Jingle Bells. To be honest, Christmas music most of the time makes me sad and home sick and I only listen to it when I know I can handle it (on a non emo day).
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home is in Michigan with my family not here in San Francisco - but I have not been there for Christmas since I moved here in 1996. Traveling during the holidays, the mere thought of it will give me a panic attack although I don't know what is worse, crying on Christmas or traveling and waking up in my childhood home on Christmas. Maybe next year, I will go home.
19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Yes, because I have 'twas the night before Christmas memorized
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel, but my little tree would fall over with her on top, so I don't have her on there right now.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? If there are presents to open, Christmas morning please.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Did you read how long it has been since I have been home for Christmas? I don't remember what my Mom used to cook when I was home. Come to think about it, I have not had a Christmas dinner since I moved out here, that is REALLY sad. We usually have what is in the house, cheese, crackers, soup, frozen meal, etc.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I want to be able to go to Mass on Christmas Eve with my husband and sleep in on Christmas day.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Looong Weekend Recap

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Looooong Weekend
I found out that my parents are putting up their holiday decor this coming weekend so I am trying to convince Tim that we should get out our stuff too! I love putting up our little tree and all of the fun stuff that goes with it. We even have holiday dishes that we swap out our regular plates, bowls, mugs, etc. for - it is red with snowflakes on it and I love it!
Anyway, sorry for the short post, I have to work tonight and then I am off tomorrow to clean, bake and hang out for the long weekend!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Little Dirty Secret

OK, enough of all that. I am secretly hoping that by airing my dirty laundry it will help me out a little. I think the first step in mending an unsavory trait it to recognize it and come up with ways to fix it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Vacation Anyone Can Afford

PS - If I don't post again for the next couple days, it means these chips really deliver! Please call the Kettle Chip company and let them know what I wrote above REALLY happened to me and they MUST choose some other destinations for the travel deprived!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Cooking Shows and Christmas Time
Tis the season to fire up the oven, start baking more and start staying home after work to finish up all of the holiday projects I started over the summer. I still need to get my timing down. I think I literally need to start projects right after the new year for the holidays next year. I tend to put things down for a while and then pick them back up when I am in a rush to finsh which is not good. I need to give myself more time to put my heart into it when I am working and not just pick it up to "get it done".
I feel like I am skating by for Thanksgiving this year, which is kind of nice. I am making desserts for a gathering of 10 and that is my only responsibility, which I am excited about. I already have some recipes picked out, but need to narrow them down.
Other than thinking about and planning for the holidays, that is about it for my weekend.
I want to give a shout out, one day late to all of the Veteran's out there, Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you all for your service.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
CRABBY but still smiling...
I had to get out of the office for lunch today and needed a laugh so I had Wendy take this photo of me. I am a cancer afterall, and needed to find humor in something today.

Sunday, November 04, 2007
The Color Purple (the musical)

A good weekend all around.
Stay Tuned...
It's November!
I had the time and money to decorate for the holidays this year. If anything I think I will put my mini tree out and little Christmas village on our console table.

I have a tiny tabletop tree, but if I had a real full size tree, this skirt would be perfect.
I love these little birds, I would love to just have them and some cranberries on my tree this year. Simple and sparkly, l think the lights on the tree would reallly make these birds pop, I love it.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Friday at Last!

Saturday, October 20, 2007
The Search Continues...
If anyone has any leads on a great place for Pad Thai in the Bay Area, let me know.
So far, I have tried:
~ Dusit Thai (too sweet and orange)
~ Pad Thai (you would think it would be the best, right? WRONG!) UPDATE - Went there for dinner tonight (11/4) and the Pad Thai was pretty good. Maybe I had it delivered before which damaged the taste, tonight it was very good though. Yummm.
~ Berkeley Thai Palace (WAY too much shrimp paste or something fishy)
~ Boran Thai Restaurant (nothing to write home about, lots of sauce)
~ Thai Stick 2000 (pretty good, we are getting close)
~ Herbivore (vegan and very good, it has a peanut sauce which I like, but it isn't the traditional Pad Thai so I feel like I cant officially enter it into the contest)
I know, I am not being very specific about what was so great about the best Pad Thai ever, so when we go up there to see if it is still the best and what it was about it, that made it the best. I remember it had broccoli and big pieces of carrot in it. I used to have lunch there every Friday with my old co-worker Greg. Maybe I need to look him up and find out what place it is - it has been years!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Hard Knox Cafe
Do you need soul food?
Do you have to have soul food?
Do you want to go to the best soul food restaurant run by a Vietnamese family this side of the Mississippi?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you MUST go to Hard Knox Cafe in Potrero Hill (San Francisco).
HUGE portions, CHEAP prices and the food is KILLER...
Check out the menu:
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
Be kind to yourself and the earth and try Mrs. Meyer's products.

PS - There is a new holiday Gingerbread scent in some products available online.
Half Moon Bay Pumpkin and Art Festival
Cloudy and cold, but still a wonderful time.

Chicken Pumpkin Sausage!

We went home with this killer broom! Handmade and solid, here is the link to the site that sells them however, we got a deal buying it at the festival, they are more on the website. I have always loved my mothers Amish broom and now I have one close to it, the corn is from the Amish in IL, everything else is from Oregon.