This past weekend, Tim and I headed down to San Jose to celebrate both Robin's Birthday as well as mine. It was fantastic! Angela and Frankie came from Sacramento so there was a nice group of us together ready for a fun weekend.
Saturday afternoon we all just hung out, prepped for dinner and laughed a lot.
Tim and Kenny taught Frankie how to play the wii, which was pretty hilarious to watch - they were swinging virtual swords at each other. Boys are silly.
Robin's Mom and Dad came over for dinner along with her sister Stephanie, husband John and their kids Isabella and Rachel. We had a great dinner of ribs, chicken, mac and cheese, cole slaw, garlic bread and ice cold beer. I love my extended Urban Family, they are incredible people and I am so lucky to have all of them in my life.

After dinner we all enjoyed cake and ice cream followed by dancing wii games in the family room.
Later in the evening, after the locals went home, Kenny lit a fire in their fire pit and Angela, Tim, Robin and I sat out in the back yard talking until the wee hours of the morning. After not much sleep, we woke up and Angela baked a french toast casserole that we made together the night prior and then ate breakfast outside in the backyard. It was delicious. It was a beautiful day so we decided to walk to the park. Frankie got to play and run around, we all played frisbee, catch with the football and just laid in the grass before heading back to the house. After a quick dip in the pool for Tim and Frankie, we had a nice lunch of leftovers and green salad. Angela and Frankie packed up and left to go and visit her cousin in San Jose before heading back to Sacramento and the rest of us watched a comedy show on TV and took naps. We headed home around 6:15, by the time we got home we were super tired but ended up staying up, checking email, watching tv, etc. When it was time to go to bed, I walked into the bedroom and on my bedside table there was a little light blue bag with a white ribbon on it and it ends up Tim got me a new wedding band from Tiffany's! It is super simple, and so perfect for me, I slept with it on and love it so much. Tim did real good this year to say the least.
Thanks Robin and Kenny for having us for the weekend it was super nice, I miss the sun already. Thanks Angela for coming all the way from Sacto, I hope we can do this more often.
Hope you all had a great weekend!