Well, I actually had to look back at my past posts and my journal to compile this list. This past year was a blur, I tell you. With so much focus on the adoption, I forgot about some other things that I did this year.
- Took Ballet 101 Class at San Francisco Ballet and got an in depth and behind the scenes look at the ballet.
- Recovered myself from identity theft - pain in the ass, but I recovered everything, so I count it as a high.
- My brother came to visit in February and in July!
- My sister came to visit in April (with my Mom) and in August!
- Finished ALL adoption paperwork (home study visits as well)
- Angela had baby Frankie!
- Katie (cousin of Tim) had baby Reece!
- Got a new fridge (after three weeks without one)
- Reorganized my craft space
- Missed the Yoga Journal Conference due to illness
- Had to cancel India trip last minute because someone stole my identity (didn't get as far as they could have, but it was bad enough, believe me).
- Got serious Spring/Travel Fever and still have not gotten over it
- Sneezed my back out of whack on my 33rd Birthday
- Apache, need I say more? (see Sept. 5 post for more info.)
Well, not as good of year as I was hoping for, but I think 2008 is going to be a goodie!
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