- You are an optimist and I try to be most of the time, but you influence me to be that way more often.
- You put up with my craziness, mood swings and emotions without judgement.
- You always are ready to lift me up when I crumble to the ground.
- You eat everything I make even if you don't like it.
- You make me laugh so much especially when I need it most.
- You are super patient and even more so when I am antsy for things to happen.
- You are my anti-anxiety medication - you always say the right things to make me feel better when I am freaking out a bit.
- You love my family and friends as much as I do.
- You call me in the afternoon to check on me at work.
- You let me come to Greece with Angela - how about you introduced me to Angela as well, for that I could never thank or love you enough.
- You love with all of your might.
I love you babe and miss you and can't wait to celebrate our anniversary when I get home.
Hi Katie,
Happy 11th Anniversary to you and Tim. What a great couple you are we love you both very much. You are so good for Angela and she loves you as much as you love her if not more if that's possible. It's great to have such wonderful friends, but heck you aren't friends, but family. I think you met everyone now. Thanks for documenting the trip to Greece and taking such awesome pictures. I so have enjoyed reading all each day.
Love and kisses and hugs to all, especially my little angel Frankie. Noma loves you very much and misses you like crazy.
Love you all,
Mom in Colorado
Happy Anaversary
Great Pic of you guys!
Happy Anniversary to you both! wishing you many many years of love and laughter to come x
- and the word ver is blesse!
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