I made the following:
Poinsettia Cocktails
Creamy Tomato Soup
Spinach and Gruyere Quiche
Caramelized Onion and Gorgonzola Quiche
Mixed Green Salad with almonds and pomegranate
Caramel Crumble Bars with Vanilla Ice Cream
Poinsettia Cocktails
Creamy Tomato Soup
Spinach and Gruyere Quiche
Caramelized Onion and Gorgonzola Quiche
Mixed Green Salad with almonds and pomegranate
Caramel Crumble Bars with Vanilla Ice Cream

After lunch I gave everyone a little personalized gift (don't say what it is in the comments please - I have a couple more to hand out). Around 4 PM everyone headed home and I had the evening to put the living room back together and watch the tube with Tim. What a great weekend!
It was awesome and delicious and I loved it!!! Thank you.
Love you,
Thanks so much! It was fun to run my own little restaurant for an afternoon.
XO - Katie
Hi katie,
You are a wonderful hostess. I had so much fun.
Love you!
Katie, I had a blast and it's always nice to see the rest of the beach house gang!! Thanks for posting the recipes too! I'm still not good at making my own pie crusts and such, but working on it :) And I totally stole your corks as pot holders idea for my lids as well.
Love ya!
PS - I'm super behind on your blog but catching up on this lazy Monday at work!
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