Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Summer Reading

Since I was a kid, I have been a reader.  Even more so in the summertime. This summer I have tried to read a book a week depending on my workload but as of late, it has been a book every two weeks.  This is pretty good for me as I am a recovering slow reader and book hider (when the book got good, or near the end, I would hide it under my mattress so it wouldn't come to a close).  Now, I almost always have one I am reading, and 2 waiting in the wings. I will not let myself buy any more than 2 books at a time.  When it is time to read a new one, I turn the spines around so I cannot see the title and choose one and let the excitement of the journey begin.  When I am done with a book, I sent it to my Mom or a friend in the mail - releasing it in to the world.

A few months ago, I decided to rejoin Good Reads and keep track of what I am reading and at least give the book a star rating (1-5) and occasionally, I will write a short review. I have added a Good Reads feed on the lower left here so you can see what I have read lately and my thoughts. I love Good Reads, but I don't always read the reviews before reading the book as I find many people write a book report as a review; rerunning the storyline of the book (which the publisher already does on the back of the book in most cases). I will often scroll through and just look at the stars the book has gotten and read reviews afterwards (if they are not repeating the plot, etc.).

As summer comes to a close, I hope this active reading will follow me into fall and then through the end of the year. I have found some days, I don't even turn the TV on as I would rather be reading a book!

Reading has also helped inspire my writing. I have been writing everyday whether it be in my journal or working on my big project (book). Here is an except from a personal essay called My Tree.  I wrote it about a tree in the backyard of my childhood home but this part encompasses my summer reading as a kid.  I thought it appropriate for this post.

As long as I can remember we had a maple tree in our backyard.  Underneath is where I would read books, leaning against her while slapping bugs off my legs to the sound of cicadas filling the summer sky.  Eventually I learned that laying a blanket down (an old tablecloth my Mom let me use) was the secret to my summer reading success under that tree.  When she was young she didn’t offer much shade, but was great to sit under.  

1 comment:

Amy O. said...

this made me turn off the tv and go read a book


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