Thursday, April 18th. I went to work and then to my riding lesson. Apache was not walking very well at all and I freaked out. Something happened to him the day prior when they had him jumping so I had to ride another horse, (Nik), who is very sweet but you know I am in love with Apache and I was very sad during my lesson and kept thinking about him back in his stall knowing I was there riding someone else. I went and visited with him after my lesson and I told him I loved him and gave him some treats. I hope he heals fast. I went straight to the airport after my lesson to go and get Mom and Em. They were outside at the arrivals waiting for me so we got everything and everyone in the car and took off to go and eat at the Elephant Bar in Daly City since it was on the way home. We had some great food and each had a cocktail and went home and went to bed.
Friday, April 19th. Slept in a little more than we had expected, but it was fun to hang out in the morning in our jammies. We all jammed onto my bed in the morning and talked while looking at a catalog. We took off to have a fun day running around, but Apache was on my mind and I really wanted to visit with him so we went to the ranch. I introduced my Mom and Em to Nik, the thoroughbred I rode the night before, he is so tall! Then we went and saw Cane and little goat baby Jack. We walked over to where Apache was and for a moment I couldn't see him in his stall because of the way the sun was shining, but when I got closer and whistled for him, he was right there. I went into his stall and hugged him and gave him treats. He was walking around better than the night before, which made me really happy. We visited with all the other horses in Apaches area and gave the, all
carrots. It was really fun. I am glad my Mom and Sister got to see me with my boy Apache. After the ranch we went over to 4th Street in Berkeley to walk around and have lunch. We ate at one of my favorite places, Tacubaya, yummy Mexican food. We went to the scrapbook store and popped into a couple other shops. After all of that we went over to Babies R Us and my Mom bought me the pack 'n play that I wanted for the babe. She also bought 2 really cute sleepers that I put away until we get "the call". After all the running around we went home and made a cake for the baby shower on Saturday then we went out for Vietnamese food at Lotus Garden.
Saturday, April 21 - got up, drove to Napa and had a baby shower for Angela at Wendy's house. It was fabulous. The food was wonderful and Angela looked incredible. She got some really nice gifts for her baby boy that is due at the beginning of June. I am so excited to meet him, I have watched him grow in her tummy and cant wait until he comes out into the world. The weather in Napa was pretty nice all day but later in the afternoon it started to rain. When the shower was over and everyone had left besides me, Mom and Em. We decided we would go to the outlet stores with Wendy and shop around. Wendy and I went to the Gymboree store while Mom and Em went to J Crew and other adult clothing stores. I got a really cute dress for the baby, pink with lady bugs on it with a matching hat and socks. I am trying to find a great little outfit for the giving and receiving ceremony but probably need not worry about it for a while. We went to Moki's back by my house for dinner and it was wonderful. Shortly after we got home we all fell asleep.
Sunday, April 22 - Got up a little late. Emily had some friends in town so she went and met up with them. Good think she knows how to get around the city by herself. My Mom and I went to Westlake Coffee Shop for breakfast and then went to the fabric store so I could pick out fabric for a quilt she is going to make for the baby. Of course everything I picked was pink, hello? After the fabric store we went home and picked up Em and went to the Half Moon Bay brewing company. We had to wait for a while to get a table so we each got a beer and we hung out and took some photos while we waited. Little did we know, the fun was about to begin once we got seated. Emily ordered some kind of passion fruit mai tai so my Mom and I had to copy. We all started getting a little loopy after that. We ordered some calamari for an appetizer that was so good. There was a funk and soul band playing Stevie Wonder and other songs in that genre while we ate. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back, I was talking with my hands (what else is new?) and knocked my drink right over. Whaaaa! Honestly, I didn't really need to finish it, I was the designated driver. We all ordered some fish and chips and ate and laughed so hard throughout our meal. I cant share some of the conversations, because they went downhill real fast and I don't want anyone to be embarrassed. It was a great time for sure. After dinner we ordered some desserts to share and made my Mom model each one. I don't know what it was so funny but I took a video of her laughing so hard, it is classic. Anyway, dinner concluded and we drove back to the city, watched some TV and all fell asleep.
Monday, April 23 - 5:30 AM - rude awakening, the alarm went off and Mom got up to take a shower while Em and I slept longer. 6:00 AM it was my time to get in the shower and get going. We all got ready and left the house by 7:00 AM to get to the airport. I dropped the ladies off and sleep walked my way through work that day. Monday night was nice, Tim was still in San Diego and I had the place to myself. I went to bed early and slept soooo good.
Tuesday Tim came home! He stopped by and saw me at work and picked up the Jeep so he could run some errands. Then he came back and got me and went out for pizza for dinner. After dinner we went and test drove some strollers at Babies R Us and went home.
It was a nice long weekend with my Mom and Sister. I had a lovely time. I wish we could spend time like that more often.
Stay tuned!
MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahh forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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