Well, I was out and about in the city this weekend and kept seeing her work on those vertical flag like advertisements you see on lamp posts all over the city for the zoo, museums, botanical gardens, etc.
Turns out there is an exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum!
More info here.
I wish she was doing a talk or something so I could meet her...
I wish I could tell her how she has inspired me to draw no matter what others may think...
I wish I could tell her how she has inspired me to draw no matter what others may think...
I wish I could tell her how funny I think she is, I too make note of things like she does...
I wish I could show her my "Never Trust a Man..." series in my journal.
Here is a sneak peak...(there are many more, but I have not scanned them yet).
I wish I could show her my "Only in San Francisco" section...
I can't wait to see the exhibit. The museum is pretty small, so I hope she gets a TON of space!
The top photo is the cover of her latest book that came out in April, ohhh, how I would like to look at that book. I saw it around town this weekend, but I didn't open it and take a peak, if I open it up, I will want to drool on the pages and for that, I will need my own copy! Wouldn't it be funny if I just went around the city drooling on all of the books until I got my salivation under control and THEN went and got my own copy? I know...gross and how rude!
The exhibition is great! Maira was there on the opening day for the public to meet.
She will also be back in the fall, doing a talk at City Arts & Lectures. Wed. Sept. 29.
Thanks Anonymous!
I just got my ticket for the 29th!
Very exciting.
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